Applying Classroom Learning to Life Beyond School

 It never fails to amaze us how fast our children grow up. Isn’t it! And no, not only the parents feel so, but even we, at Sapphire International School, being the educators and mentors to the young ones, share the same feeling. It almost feels like one minute they are handing their assignments in the classroom, and the next moment we’re giving out their final certificates and saying our ‘congratulations’ and ‘goodbyes.’ Thus, from their very first day of entering our premises, we, at Sapphire, regarded as the Best CBSE School in Noida, take it up as our responsibility to fill those bright minds with ideas and understandings that can come to their aid even when they set foot in a life beyond our institution.

As such, when the application of classroom learning beyond school is considered, the immediate thought pertains to the different lessons or subjects taught to children at school. And, there is no denying that the fundamentals of Science, Math, English, and more help their future progression. However, we, at Sapphire International School, believe that there is a lot more to classroom learning than the info found solely in the books. And the application of those acquired skills is equally significant for an accomplished life past school.

With that being said, let’s take a closer look today at various facets of applying classroom learning to life beyond school.

Importance of ensuring the effectiveness of classroom learning

Before delving into the skills and abilities that the children take from their classrooms to their life afterwards, it’s important to understand how to make those lessons more effective. And to that end, our respected principal, Ms. Rakhi Jain, along with the esteemed members of the advisory board, have laid their trust in the experiential mode of learning.

In fact, one of the factors that have made us earn the honor of being the Best CBSE School in Noida is that we believe in letting children learn by doing. After all, experience is the greatest assurance of knowledge retention. For instance, teaching children about teamwork from a book is never worthwhile until they are actually made a part of a team and taught to deal with its challenges.

The aspects of classroom learning taken to life beyond school

As mentioned before, there are certain aspects of classroom learning that young minds absorb and take away beyond our campus. Here’s highlighting some of those crucial aspects:

  • A clear and thorough knowledge of the lessons

The foremost thing that our students take away from their classroom sessions is a thorough knowledge of each of the lessons they learn. As the Best CBSE School in Noida, we, at Sapphire, offer our pupils an amalgamation of theoretical and practical-based learning to ensure their present and future academic excellence.

  • The ability to communicate effectively

Through various clubs and team projects, our students are taught the crucial nuances of effective and articulate communication. As such, their ability to communicate beyond all reservations is something that helps them forge relationships and build bonds at every step of the way.

  • A keen understanding of rights and responsibilities

Our honorable principal, Ms. Jain, has always stressed on the fact that the students need to understand the delicate balance between their rights and responsibilities. As it’s their right to get nothing but the finest educational environment, it’s also their responsibility to uphold the respect of that environment. This is a lesson that we firmly believe will guide them along the right path all through their lives.

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